Huudzi (Sagehen Cock)

No’ oko te numudooe numme nanesootuhikute

(All year round we give thanks to the creator for all that we have)

The Board of Directors welcomes you  to the Numu (The People) Allottee Association website. We are the lineal descendants of the Shoshone & Snake Piute Indians of the former Malheur River Indian Reservation located in Central Oregon. Originally there were 104 allotments allotted to the Numu who returned from prison at Fort Simcoe in the 1800s. We are the heirs of these individuals whose ancestral homeland was stolen. Today there are 70 allotments @ 160 acres totaling 11,600 that remind us of the price our ancestors paid. We will never forget and the land is not for sale.  These allotments are owned by Individual Indians who want to live on their land. A major problem is that the allotments continue to fractionate as the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Office of Hearings and Appeals cannot process probates in a timely manner.

Our goal is to develop a model to deal with the fractionation in a way that includes the Numu who can solve this problem the government created if they are provided the resources to do so.

Please feel free to ask questions leaving your name and contact information.

Please help our Numu in protecting their ancestral homeland by donating below.

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